15 days and 15 blogs

It’s been 15 days since November 28th. Since that date, I’ve been experimenting with blogging daily. It’s incredible that in 15 days… I have created more content than in a previous year.

My wife and I talked about this. It’s amazing how I’ve actually been stressing less in writing these daily posts than the pressure I created myself to write one good blog post a week. I used to tell my wife how I wanted 3 hours per weekend to work on side projects or write a good post. She confessed that she was surprised that I haven’t eaten into our family time together with this new experiment.

To be honest, after a long week at work, I almost didn’t write a blog post today. I sacrificed much of my personal time to meet work commitments. I woke up, got to work, fetched and scarfed down a lunch in 20 minutes, worked furiously and then left for a Holiday party.

I probably won’t remember this stressful day and I am happy that I get to continue the streak. I would have been disappointed if I missed a post today. The longer I keep it up, the more important it becomes and the more I want to make time for it.
